Hip Hop
Come to The Center and be yourself!
Fall 2023 Class Offerings COMING SOON

Hip Hop
Express yourself through America’s newest, most outspoken contribution to the world of dance. We use age-appropriate hip hop tracks to inspire you through a series of warm-ups that focus on flexibility, strength and control. You will progress through dance steps and combinations, and you will be challenged to apply vocabulary, technique and style as you go. As you develop strength and confidence, we will level up our instruction to help you meet your goals.
See our
hip-hop classes
Click on the class name
to see all the details and
register for the class
- Tuition is per 10-week session.
- Classes are running 3 sessions for a combined 30 weeks.
- You do not need to be in every session.
- Classes meet once a week unless otherwise noted.
- Registration for one session will continue into the next session unless we are otherwise notified.
- Please add each session to your cart to register up front for all three sessions.
1st Session – September 6 – November 12th
2nd Session – November 14 – February 11, 2023
3rd Session – February 13 – April 29, 2023
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